Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care, one size fits all

Last night the US House of Reps passed the Senate HealthCare bill, putting into law that every American must have health care. Here are a few facts about the bill:
  • The vote passed 219 in favor, 212 opposed
  • forces business to provide health care to part time workers
  • cost to government and tax payers: over $850 billion
  • bill included issues like: abortion, money to cities,federal take over of student loans, and other things not related to health care
  • some states are suing because they believe it is their state right to decide if they want to offer universal health care, not the governments.... violates Amendment 10- laws not specificaly reserved for federal are given to the state
What effect will universal health care have on a nation economically?
How do you feel about universal health care?
Check with your parents or other adults to see their views on this policy.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It’s a Bloggy Blog World!

For many of you this may be the first blog you have been a part of; for other it may be a long list of ones you follow. Me personally, this is my first year being a part of the blogging community. However, to most people blogs are the new news paper, media center, and information highway. Some people even make money by getting people to sponsor and advertize on their blog pages.  Check out what these BIG time Bloggers make:

My question for you….. If you had to start a blog what would it be about? Who would be your intended audience? Could you see yourself making this a career, or a hobby? I could sure go for making an extra $5600 a month :)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Unemployment Benefits increased

Law in the United States: When you are let go from your job you receive what is known as Unemployment Benefits. These are benefits that you are given by the government for a certain amount of time in order to help you get you back up on your feet. Benefits include: healthcare, job searching assistance, and a bimonthly paycheck which usually is about 75% of your original pay check. Usually you would get unemployment for about 8-12 weeks. Last year they increased it to 30 weeks and then they announced an extension of an additional 20 weeks if you still need it. Today they have increased unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks!!!

This is costing our government and tax payers $10 billion PER MONTH! This is costing more money than financing the war in Iraq!

Read hear for further info and then make your comment below:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Quake in Chili

How does this effect the American economy?

If you haven't heard, early Sunday morning an earthquake sturck outside of CONCEPCION, Chile. It was a 8.8 on the richter scale! That means it is 10 times the size of the one that hit in Haiti just over a month ago. Because of the depth of the shake, and the structure of the buildings, as well as other factors, Chili did not experience as much devistation as Haiti did. However many families have been seperated and people are still searching for loved ones. They will need help from all around the world.

So... how does this effect Americans and their economy? Will it help it or hurt it? Explain your answer.