Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Was having the Super Bowl 2010 greedy for Americans? What else could they have done with the money? Should they have done something else with the money they spent on Advertizing, playing players and coachs, etc.
On the other hand- how much money did the Super Bowl provide for the economy?

Task for this weeks blog...
* Find an article that relates to the Super Bowl and the economic side
* Post the link in the blog
* Make a comment about your article

(could kill 2 birds with one stone here- use your article you find on the Super Bowl as your Economic News Journal article)


  1. Example:

    Title: Census Bureau counts on Super Bowl ad
    Comment: The Census Bureau, funded by my tax dollars, ran a 30 second ad during the Super Bowl spending $2.5 million! I could think of about a million other things I could do with $2.5 Million! Yes I believe we should be aware of the census and that we should particpate but honestly... do they really need to run an ad during the SB? Think of all the other effective ways you could reach your target audience. In my house- the wife, ME- does most of the finances, paperwork. This ad was not effective for me because I didn't watch that commerical! Money wasted!

  2. http://economics.about.com/od/economicindicatorintro/a/superbowl.htm

    the superbowl is an investment. it makes money move around, which is what a failing economy needs.

    Jose A.

  3. http://www.dailyfinance.com/story/media/super-bowls-economic-impact-may-be-super-inflated/19347053/

    By JONATHAN BERR Posted 2:00 PM 02/06/10

    The Super Bowl is not so super to many economists. Experts in the economics of sports say the NFL and its boosters have grossly overestimated the economic benefit of Sunday's championship game in Miami between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts. Controversy is raging in South Florida where the team is seeking taxpayer support to revamp the area's pro football stadium, whose naming rights were recently acquired by Canada's Sun Life Financial Inc. (SLF) and has hosted 10 Super Bowls.

    Local officials, who have backed a new stadium for Major League Baseball's Florida Marlins, say the can't afford the project, though the NFL and executives from the Miami Dolphins say the renovations are needed in order to attract future NFL championships. Team officials and the local committee that organizes Super Bowl bids have refused to disclose the project's costs, which include adding lights for high-definition TV broadcasts, according to Bloomberg News. That makes experts wonder if they are worth investing taxpayer funds.
    (more on the page)


  4. Greedy as we said in class can be good or bad, advertising may not be as benefical as creating a program to end world hunger but it provides jobs. So even though people might not do it for the reason of creating more jobs, which makes them greedy, but creating them either way makes them greedy in productive way.

  5. Okay doing it again..


    Within this article it states how when the super bowl occurs then it generates money for anyone involved and in the city it takes place in. If it generates money for everyone involved how can this be a greedy act if its providing people with the opportunity for some type of income.

  6. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/13/business/media/13adco.html

    Title: Super Bowl sales as economic indicator

    Comment: We may call it greed or not, but sometimes drastic measures need to be taken. We cant always think about giving the money to the poor because they are "poor," however, it must be noted that the US at least should have used part of that money needed to sponsorize the super bowl to "erase" or at least "start erasing" some problems that can be categorized as "more serious." It must also be said, nonetheless, that history is repeating itself. Back in time, forms of entertaining were used when economic crisis, depressions, or wars were occurring to "help" people forget momentaneously the negative factors such as sadness and resentment that filled their lives. Plays, movies, and satires helped people have "a good time laugh" while still being inside a not so well economic situation. This time it is the same. Because of the economic crisis, the Super Bowl is an entertainment used to move money around as Jose Armando said, but also to help people get "over with" the excruciating economic crisis and unemployment.
    Look at it this way: we already have the economic crisis that makes us want to go into depression, if we eradicate forms of entertainment such as the S.B.--a big event that reunites Americans to watch it together--then depression and suicides will knock our doors like a flash.
    In conclusion, the money used in the super bowl could have been used for something else more in need, but we cannot say the S.B. is not helping at all.
    Greed or not, one thing always helps on one side and does not on the other; it's nature.

  7. Hello!!!
    It is clear that in this time of crisis the use of money should only
    Be for an efficent use for all the nation-citizens, priority of course.
    But even though the nation decides to stop using those resources
    , Taking for instance, canceling or posponing the Super Bowl to not exceed
    The amount of money, it WOULD be better, BUT can we take America's part of its
    Patriotism? We can't, so because of this, the SB should be celebrated as prior as" America's
    Chicken Soup for the Broken Economy of the Nations Soul"


  8. Actually super bowl moves large amounts of money. You just have to look at the Ads. Each companny spends millions in just one simple Ad that will appear once in the whole event and thats it. So if we count the amount of companies that pay at least $1.2 million per ad that is a lot of money, and if you research there are companies that pay more than $10 million. So, as greedy as you want to look at it, the Super Bowl moves the economy and creates many job opportunity for those marketers, musicians who make the Ads music, sound engeneers, and many other people.

  9. Statistics show that the Superbowl moves up and down with the economy. The amount of viewers has decreased in comparison to the years before the crisis.The Superbowl is no longer a growth industry as to how it was in the late 70´s and early 80´s. Many people get jobs thanks to the Superbowl and earn money from them.What the U.S. should really be worrying about is how much money they are spending with the military.

    ¨They are expecting 38 viewers per advertising dollar at this year’s Superbowl. Such a deal means advertisers are not as willing to bid for ad time this year relative to previous years. We believe this shows that advertisers are still concerned about the economy and do not want to pay to advertise to consumers that cannot buy, or have elected to bypass, their products. With a 10% unemployment rate nearly 10 million unemployed are going to be watch the Superbowl¨,(ritholtz).

    - Article:

  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/13/business/media/13adco.html

    Many people consider the super bowl as a somewhat type of economic indicator. Actually, it is in a way. It measures how much people spend in something they do not “need”. About the advertisements, prices have fallen this year. New companies that did not advertise last year took a chance this year. The price is very high and considering this is the most watched TV show, there is a great chance that it is a good investment. However, is the opportunity cost better than the advertisement itself? Consider Pepsi, they used the money for the super bowl to help charity instead.

  11. Nicole's post


    The advertising money being payed for these comercials are two expensive, meaning that not everyone sees these comercials , I should say that money can be used for primary needs in the U.S . The superbowl advertisinf now a days moves up and down with the economy, as it can earn money but it can also loose milions of dolars. I saw something interesting wich said that the U.S GOVT is also buying airtim ,(http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-census-superbowl&prov=ap&type=lgns) which should not be these way , because the U.S is suffering economic stability .
    Super bowl generates money for each person that has a samll or big job or contribution, people selling food, water , creating comercials and advertising. These people make huge amount of money , so in one way is good and bad because they might also loose ! New jobs for some and more money and falling objectives to others !!!

  12. http://www.forbes.com/2009/01/29/super-bowl-ads-commercials-opinions-contributors0129timcalkins.html

    Title: Super Bowl in a Recession

    the sails for the super bowl advertisement spot decrease this year and many people saw it becasue of the commercials, which makes it an unrivales marketing opportunity. But I strongly disapprove with the amount of money spent on these ads. With this money U.S. companies could have use it for charity work or think BIG, in a plan to help bring economic stability.

  13. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/05/AR2010020502722.html
    The Super Bowl is about the money. Think of all the advertisers and money spent by the people for parties, food, drinks, for the super bowl celebration, or during the game. It's a lot of money spent.
    Super bowl affects economy in a positive way, because "the more people the spend, the more it helps economic growth and expansion."

  14. Comment: It is said that when a nfl team wins the super bowl the stock market goes up there fore the economy goes up because people tend to use more money. This super bowl both teams are nfl teams but even if the stock were to rise it won't help the economy because people are scared or more cautious as to how they spend their money so the stock market can go up but people will not spend more and the economy will not receive help from that part.

    Article: http://www.pbs.org/nbr/blog/2010/02/the_super_bowl_the_stock_marke.html

  15. Pily's comment submitted 9:35pm Sunday

    Article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22870460/ns/business-business_of_super_bowl_xlii/page/2/

    Comment: the super bowl provides billions of dollars to the US
    economy. According to a survey recently conducted by the Retail
    Advertising & Marketing Assn., 36.3% of consumers will tune in
    primarily to watch the commercials. That money could be donated to
    charity like Pepsi did or it can also be invested on the company's
